Let's say you would like to know what week of the year a certain date falls on. FileMaker Pro and ClarisWorks both have a WeekofYear function which returns the number of weeks from January 1 based on a supplied date. If you want to calculate the number of weeks starting at a date other than January 1, as in a fiscal year beginning date, you can use the following calculation given your file contains the field ProjectDate:
Week of Year (calculation, number result) = INT ((ProjectDate - Date (3,1,Year (ProjectDate)))/7)+1
The Date function is where the start date is formed. In this example, the start date is 3/1 of the year of the ProjectDate.
Calculating radians for degrees including the units for minutes and seconds
The Radians function in ClarisWorks spreadsheet documents converts an angle measurement given in degrees into radians, the standard unit used in trigonometric functions. This function has one argument, or variable, which is the number of degrees and fractions of a degree expressed as a decimal number. If your angle measurements are expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds you must convert these numbers to a single decimal number within your formula in order to convert it to radians.
The following formula will do this. It assumes the degrees are in column B, the minutes in column C, the seconds in column D, and that you want to calculate the radians in column E:
E1 = RADIANS (B1 + (C1/60) + (D1/3600))