ClarisWorks: Charting Non-Adjacent Rows or Columns

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisImpact and ClarisWorks do not include a built-in feature to chart non-adjacent rows or columns in a Spreadsheet or Table. A data chart can only include a single contiguous range of cells.

There are two workarounds for this:

The best workaround in to use another blank area of the spreadsheet or table to contain the adjacent rows or columns that you want. For example, say you want to chart numbers in columns B, D, and F, starting with row number 2:

NOTE: ClarisImpact tables do not automatically show row or column headings. To show headings, select TABLE OPTIONS from the TABLE Menu and check Column Headings and Row Headings.

1. Create a spreadsheet or table.
-In Claris Works, this is done by selecting FILE and NEW, then selecting the Spreadsheet Option.
-In ClarisImpact, click once on the Table tool, then drag the Table onto your layout.
2. Select some unused columns to the right; for example, column AA.
3. In cell AA2, enter the formula =B2Ó (no quotes). Cell AA2 will contain the value from cell B2. In cell AB2, enter the formula D2. In cell AC2, enter the formula =F2.
4. Use the Fill Down command in columns AA..AC to fill down from row 2 to the last row to be charted. The contents of columns B, D and F are copied into columns AA..AC, which are adjacent.
5. Chart these adjacent rows.

An easier but less complete workaround is to chart the original range of cells (here, columns B through F), then change the series in the chart to transparent. To do so, select a series item in the chart legend that you donÕt want charted (for example, the series for column C), then change the pen and fill patterns to transparent [note: the Toolbar will appear above your Table in ClarisImpact.

If the tools are not available in a ClarisWorks Spreadsheet, select SHOW TOOLS from the VIEW menu]. The bar or line in the chart for that series will change to transparent; however, the space for that chart item will remain, and the series names will still be listed in the legend. There is no way to make these series names not display, but you can draw white rectangles over these unwanted series names to mask them.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012