Claris: Translating Microsoft Word Documents With Tables

Three ways to get a table from a Word document into a Claris application's document properly formatted.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When opening a Microsoft Word document with a table (using the Open, Insert, or Place File commands), each cell is placed on a separate line, with an extra return at the end of each row. For example, this table:

cell 1 cell 2
cell 3 cell 4

will be converted to this in the document in MacWrite, ClarisWorks or MacDraw Pro:

cell 1
cell 2

cell 3
cell 4

There are three ways to get a table from a Word document into a Claris application's document properly formatted:

Note: These methods work with Microsoft Word 5.1. If using Microsoft Word 5.0 or earlier, table data is not copied to the clipboard as tab-delimited text; the data is copied in a return delimited format as shown above. Thus, upgrade to Word 5.1 or try solution #2 below.

Solution #1: Copy and Paste
1. Open the document in Microsoft Word.
2. Select the document, including the table(s). Choose Copy.
3. Switch to a new or existing document in your Claris application. Choose Paste. The table data is pasted in as regular tab separated text.
4. Select the table data, then set tabs in the ruler to properly align the columns.

Solution #2: Convert Table to Text in Word
1. You can convert the table in Microsoft Word to regular tab-separated text. Once converted, you can copy/paste into a Claris applicationÕs document. For instructions, go to Microsoft WordÕs online help; scroll down to the Tables topic; select the subtopic 'Converting a Table to Text.'
2. After converting the table to text, set tabs in the ruler to align each column. Then copy/paste the document to the Claris applicationÕs document.
Note: to preserve the original Word document with tables, either close the Word document without saving, or Save As with a different file name.

Solution #3: Converting the Word Table to a Claris application's Table
Select the entire table in Word and Copy. Then switch to the Claris application and paste. Select the data you pasted and in:

MacWrite Pro: Choose Insert Table from the Frame menu.
ClarisWorks 2.0: Show the Shortcuts Pallete and click the Make Table button.
ClarisWorks 1.0: Create a spreadsheet frame and paste. Resize the frame as needed.
ClarisImpact 1.0: Create a Table Model and paste. Resize Model as needed.

Solution #4: Using Find/Change in the Claris Application to Reformat the Table Data
If you don't have the Microsoft Word application, and thus can't open the original Word document:
1. Open the Word document in the Claris application. Select the table data, then Cut. Open a new document, then Paste the table data into the new document. Then follow the instructions below:

In MacWrite Pro:
2. Choose Find/Change from the Edit menu.
3. Type Command-Return twice. This will enter \\¦\\¦ into the Find field.
4. Tab to the Change field and type XXXX (or anything else thatÕs unique to this document).
5. Click the Change All button.
6. Choose Find/Change again from the Edit menu.
7. Type Command-Return. This will enter \\¦ into the Find field.
8. Tab to the Change field and type Command-Tab.
9. Click the Change All button.
10. Choose Find/Change again from the Edit menu.
11. Type XXXX.
12. Tab to the Change field and type Command-Return.
13. Click the Change All button.
14. Select all the data, Copy and Paste into other the document you Cut it from in step #1. Choose Insert Table from the Frame menu, and press OK.

In ClarisWorks 2.0:
2. Choose Find/Change from the Edit menu.
3. Type \\p\\p into the Find field.
4. Tab to the Change field and type XXXX (or anything else thatÕs unique to this document).
5. Click Find Next and then click the Change All button.
6. Choose Find/Change again from the Edit menu.
7. Type \\p into the Find field.
8. Tab to the Change field and type \\t
9. Click Find Next and then click the Change All button.
10. Choose Find/Change again from the Edit menu.
11. Type XXXX.
12. Tab to the Change field and type \\p
13. Click Find Next and then click the Change All button.
14. Show the Shortcuts pallete and click the Make Table shortcut.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012