In ClarisWorks for Windows documents originally created in ClarisWorks for the Macintosh, a problem may occur where footnotes show the overflow symbol (a small box with an X in it) at the end of the footnote. This problem seems to happen most often when the fonts used to create the document are not available on the Windows machine.
When a font on the Macintosh is not available on a Windows machine, Windows uses Font Substitution to determine which Windows font seems similar enough to the Macintosh font. By default, Windows knows to substitute TimesNewRmn for Macintosh Times, and Arial for Macintosh Helvetica. Additional font substitutions can be added to the WIN.INI file in the Windows directory. For more information about Font Substitutions, refer to your Windows documentation.
To remove the overflow symbol from the footnote, simply select it and delete it or backspace over it.