If you would like to know the number of hours elapsed between two time fields in a ClarisWorks database or spreadsheet, use the following technique.
Assuming you already have two time fields defined as follows:
StartTime (Time)
EndTime (Time)
The formula for the calculation is as follows:
ElapsedTime (Calculation, number result) = (EndTime - StartTime) * 24
In a spreadsheet, assuming the start time is in cell A2 and the end time is in B2, use the formula:
ClarisWorks stores the time fields as a fraction of a day. Midnight is 0.0, 6:00 AM is 0.25, Noon is 0.5, and 6:00 PM is 0.75. When two time fields are subtracted, the result is a decimal that can be converted to hours by multiplying by 24.