Jagged Fonts in Toolbar When Using Microsoft VGA Driver and TrueType is Off

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The text in the toolbar and status areas of ClarisWorks for Windows 1.0v1 may appear to be jagged when the Microsoft VGA driver is being used, and TrueType is turned off in Windows 3.1.

To correct the problem, either change to a different video driver or, more preferably, enable TrueType fonts for Windows 3.1.

The video driver can be checked/changed through Windows Setup (usually found in the "Main" program group)

TrueType fonts can be turned on/off by going into Control Panels (also under "Main"), selecting Fonts, selecting the TrueType button, and selecting the checkbox titled "Enable TrueType Fonts".
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012