ClarisWorks 2.0 macros do not record clicking the close box of the Find/Change, Help and Clipboard windows.
If you record a macro which closes one of these windows by clicking the close box, and then goes on to perform other actions, playing the macro will result in the message: "Menu item not found; macro aborted."
To recreate the problem:
1. Choose Record Macro from the File menu
2. Type Command-F
3. Type in a word that can be found in your current document
4. Close the Find window by clicking the close box in the upper left
5. Make the found word Bold.
6. Choose Stop Recording from the File menu
7. Perform the Macro
As you watch the macro play, notice that it does not close the Find window. Since the Find dialog isn't closed, and the only menus that appear with it open are File, Edit and View, the Bold command cannot be performed and you get the message: "Menu item not found; macro aborted."
Use the keyboard equivalent for closing a window (Command-W).
NOTE: ClarisWorks 1.0 doesn't exhibit this issue.