If you are installing ClarisWorks 2.0 or 2.1 onto a volume that currently has the Apple Serial Tool installed (usually PowerBooks with internal modems), the Apple installer that ClarisWorks uses will generate a -47 error message (File is Busy) when installing Disk 3. You will also get this message when installing ClarisWorks on a Quadra 660 AV or Quadra 840 AV that has the Apple GeoPort Adapter (which is essential for using the telephone, answering machine fax features) installed.
This is because we update the Serial Tool as part of our installation procedure. Because the Serial Tool is active on startup, we are not able to replace it, hence the File is busy alert. The Apple installer cannot handle conditional installs ( if file is busy, then skip to next),so the installation is canceled when the error occurs.
Restart and hold down the Shift key until you see the message "Extensions off." Then run the installer. Restarting without extensions will turn of the Serial Tool and allow the complete installation to take place. In the case of the GeoPort software, you could also specifically disable it before attempting installation.