This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
1. Open a new communications "document".
2. From Terminal's Settings menu, select the appropriate communications, terminal preferences, binary transfer settings, etc.
3. Do not set the phone number unless you will always dial the same number all the time.
4. From the File menu, choose Save As.
5. You can name your settings file anything you wish, as long as it adheres to the standard DOS naming conventions of eight characters (no spaces) followed by the extension for the program, e.g., DEFAULT.TRM.
6. It is best to save the file in your Windows directory, where Terminal.exe is located. This will require you to change the directory from C:\\CLWORKS to C:\\WINDOWS.
7. Exit ClarisWorks.
8. Use a text editor such as Notepad or Write to edit the CLARIS.INI file, which is located in your Windows directory.
9. In the [ClarisWorks] section, edit the "Terminal=" line to indicate that you want Terminal to launch using the file you created in Step 5, above. In this example, Terminal will launch with the settings file, default.trm. For clarity, a caret is used to indicate that you should type a space.