TIP: Hidden Charting Features

Several useful charting features in ClarisWorks 2.0 that are not documented.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

There are several useful charting features in ClarisWorks 2.0 that are not documented:

* Hold down the Command key while clicking a text object in a chart to get a shadowed text effect that can be ungrouped and manipulated.
* Press Command and shift keys and click again on the text object and you will notice that the angle of the text shadow will change in a clockwise direction.
* Hold down the Option key and click on the legend to widen the X-axis of the chart. Press Option and Shift while clicking the legend to change the Y-axis.
* Option-shift click the title of a chart to see what your chart size would look like if you were to remove the title from the Chart.

An article regarding these hidden spreadsheet features appears in the ClarisWorks Journal (March 1994, Volume III, No. 3, page 11). The ClarisWorks Users Group published the ClarisWorks Journal and can be reached at:

313-454-1969 (phone)
313-454-1965 (fax)
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012