In ClarisWorks 2.0, if you are using a low-resolution ("city-named") font while printing to an ImageWriter II, bold text will overwrite adjacent non-bold text when you select "better Graphics" and "Best printing" in the Print dialog box.
There are several workarounds, each with a negative side effect. One is to select "Better Text" in the Print dialog box, but this will probably cause margins to be incorrect (see XReferences). You could also choose "Faster printing" instead of "Best," although this will obviously diminish print quality. Yet another workaround is to change the low-resolution font to high-resolution font, but this isn't a great choice either, because the whole point of using low-resolution fonts is because they look better when printing to an ImageWriter (they're also a good choice for on-screen displays).
This problem occurs with ImageWriter drivers 2.7, 7.0 and 7.0.1.
This chart lists low-resolution fonts and their high-resolution equivalents:
Athens --- (none)
Chicago --- (none)
Geneva --- Helvetica
Monaco --- Courier
New York --- Times
San Francisco --- (you've gotta be kidding)
Venice --- Zapf Chancery
Similar problems happen when using ClarisImpact such as text being cut off at the right edge of the paper and the margins printing incorrectly.