Mortgage Analyzer Sample File Miscalculates Yearly Totals (SS)

Here's how you can personalize the template to meet your specific needs!

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Under certain circumstances, this Mortgage Analyzer template file will miscalculate the yearly totals.

Here's how you can quickly correct the problem AND give yourself as many months calculated as you may need !

1. Open the original Mortgage Analyzer file from the Samples folder.

2. Drag through cells E16 through J17.

3. Under the Options menu, select Unprotect Cells.

4. Click on cell E16 and change the formula in it so that the 12 now reads $D$5 instead. Press Enter.

5. Go down to cell E17 and change the formula in it so that the 12 now reads $D$5 instead. Press Enter.

6. Click on cell I17 and change the formula in it so that the E4 reads E6 instead. Press Enter.

7. Click on cell J17 and edit it so that F4 (near the end of the formula) reads F6 instead. Press Enter.

8. Drag through cells E16 through J17.

9. Under Options, select Protect Cells.

10. Now, drag through cells B17 through J17 and also drag down as far as you need the months to be calculated. (Too far is no problem, you can delete unwanted formulas later.)

11. Under Calculate, select Fill Down. Be sure AutoCalc, under the Calculate menu, is checked.

Save the file for future use before adding specific data into it.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012