Specifying Field Order and List for Export/Save As (DB)

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Choosing Save As and specifying Text file type in ClarisWorks (versions 1.0-4.0) exports all records and all fields in the order fields were created. To control the choice and order of fields on export from ClarisWorks, create a layout just for exporting with fields ordered from top to bottom and use cut and paste instead.

1. Create a layout with fields arranged in the exact order you desire
2. While in Browse mode, select/hilite all the records for export
3. Choose Copy from the Edit menu
4. Open a new Word Processing document
5. Choose Paste from the Edit menu
6. Choose Save As... from the File menu and save as a Text file. The result is a tab-separated text file.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012