Sometimes it is necessary to obtain a hardcopy of your screen. In order to get a copy, or screen shot, of your screen you need only press the Print Screen key. This copies the current screen to the Windows clipboard. Here are the complete steps:
1. Press the Print Screen key.
2. Open Paintbrush, usually in the Accessories group.
3. On the options menu, select Image Attributes. Click on the Pels radio button.
4. Set the Width to 640 and the Height to 480. If you are using higher resolutions, use the appropriate settings - 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768.
5. From the View menu, select Zoom Out.
6. From the Edit menu, select paste.
7. Click in the gray area to the left of the crosshatched rectangle.
8. From the View menu, select Zoom In.
You will now see a copy of your screen you were looking at when you pressed the Print Screen key. Under the File menu, you can now select Save and save the screen shot as a .BMP file. Otherwise, you can immediately print out the screen shot by selecting Print from the File menu in Paintbrush.