Exchanging Files between the Macintosh and Windows Versions

This is an expanded excerpt from the ClarisWorks 1.0v4 Macintosh Updater Read Me document.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Using Diskettes
If you plan to exchange files via diskette, your Macintosh and Windows machines must be equipped with a Superdrive (FDHD). You must also have one of the following software Macintosh programs to save a file to a DOS formatted floppy: Apple File Exchange, Access PC, DOS Mounter or PC Exchange (Apple File Exchange is included with every Macintosh whereas the other software packages mentioned must be purchased separately). Refer to the manual included with these programs for questions regarding their operation.

Using Network Servers
If you have a network server which lets Macintosh and Windows computers share files, you will be able to share ClarisWorks files seamlessly as long as you use naming conventions.

Naming Files
When moving from Windows to Mac or Mac to Windows your file name must end with the .CWK or .CWS extension. The .CWS extension is used for stationery files. In addition, when moving from Mac to Windows you must follow DOS naming conventions and use only eight characters in your file name or it will be truncated to eight characters.

Opening Windows files on the Macintosh
You will need ClarisWorks 1.0v4 for Macintosh to be able to open ClarisWorks Windows files. An Updater is available on America Online, Compuserv e, AppleLink and the Claris BBS (408-987-7421; settings 8/N/1) as well as via Claris Customer Assistance at 408-727-8227.

Once your file has been transferred onto your hard drive, you will be able to open the file by using one of two methods. The first method is to open the file from within ClarisWorks by using the Open command from the File menu. The second method is to Drop Launch the file (System 7 required) from the Finder. To Drop Launch, select the file you want to open and drag it on top of the ClarisWorks application icon. When you release the mouse button, ClarisWorks will automatically open the file. This method will also opens multiple files simultaneously.

Because of the operating system differences between the Mac and Windows platforms, you will not be able to open ClarisWorks Windows files on your Mac by double clicking on them. Instead, use one of the methods listed above. Once you have opened the file and saved it on your Mac hard drive, as a ClarisWorks Mac file, you will be able to double click the file to open it.

Opening Macintosh files in Windows
After saving a Macintosh file to a DOS formatted floppy or a network server, as long as it follows the naming conventions outlined above, you will be able to open it via the open menu in ClarisWorks for Windows or by double clicking the file in File Manager.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012