Paragraphs which are set for line spacing in points rather than the default measurement will have line spacing of twice that size when saved as Word 4.0 and opened in Microsoft Word.
Steps to recreate:
1. Create a new ClarisWorks WP document.
2. Enter a paragraph of text, enough to create multiple lines.
3. Choose Paragraph from the Format menu and select pt (points) from the Line Spacing popup menu. Press OK.
4. Save As MS Word 4.0.
5. Open the document in Word and notice that the line spacing is double what you specified in ClarisWorks. For example, a line spacing of 16 pt in ClarisWorks is saved as 32 pt in MS Word format.
The same test was done with ClarisImpact and ClarisWorks using the Word 4.0 translator but opening the file in Word 5.1. The translation produced an extra carriage return at the end of the document whereas MacWrite II files converted to Word 5.1 did not produce the extra carriage return.