Q: ClarisWorks crashes immediately after I install the program but runs reliably after I reboot my system. Why would that happen?
A: The ClarisWorks installation routine creates some new folders and installs its files in those folders. Some systems cannot locate those files until you reboot your computer. Thus, you should always restart your Macintosh after using the Installer. [Ed: This is true for most sophisticated Macintosh applications, not just ClarisWorks.]
Use ClarisWorks' "Easy Install" routines whenever possible. That ensures that the files go in the correct folders. (For example, the "ClarisWorks Translators" file goes inside the Claris Folder that should be in your System Folder. The ClarisWorks Translators file is not an XTND translator and, therefore, does not go in the Claris Translators folder that also resides in the Claris Folder.)