Changing a database layout requires you to switch between Layout mode (where you format the layout) and Browse mode (where you see the effect of your changes). Of course, the need to repeatedly switch between modes can be tedious.
To increase your efficiency, create two views of the same data. Then you can display your document in both Layout and Browse modes simultaneously (see Figure 1) and immediately see your changes on the screen.
Follow these steps to create separate Layout and Browse views of your database file:
1. Display your database in Browse mode.
2. Choose "New View" from the View Menu. ClarisWorks will open another window with the same view of your document.
3. Choose "Layout" from the Layout Menu to change the new view to Layout mode.
4. Choose "Tile Windows" from the View Menu. ClarisWorks will arrange the windows so you can see both views on the screen. Any changes you make in Layout mode will immediately appear in the Browse mode view.
Figure 1