Creating a Letterhead Macro in ClarisWorks (WP)

This is a portion of an article that originally appeared in the ClarisWorks Journal, the monthly publication of the ClarisWorks Users Group, Box 701010, Plymouth, MI 48170; (313) 454-1969; Fax: (313) 454-1965. ©ClarisWorks Users Group; reprinted with permission.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

A Letterhead Macro

Let's create a macro that stores both text and formatting commands. This macro will produce a letterhead with a single keystroke, like the example in Figure 1.

ClarisWorks macros work more reliably if you select your choices from the menus instead of using the keystroke alternatives. Thus you should avoid using quick keys such as Command-A instead of choosing "Select All" from the Edit Menu. Don't worry if you make a mistake as you type; just use the Delete Key to erase your error and correct your work.

Follow these steps:

1. Create a new word processor document.

2. Issue a Command-Shift-J to start recording the macro.

3. Assign the macro to keystroke Option-Command-l (for "letterhead") and name the macro "Letterhead".

4. Type the text that will appear in the letterhead. Then press the Return Key five times to leave four blank lines.

5. Use the mouse to select "Insert Date" from the Edit Menu.

6. Press the Return Key twice to leave a blank line after the date. Your screen should now look like the example in Figure 2.

Your next task is to change the date format to match the example in Figure 3. Follow these steps:

7. Go to the Edit Menu and select "Preferences".

8. Click on the current date format and hold down the mouse button while you drag the mouse to a more appropriate format. Then click on the "OK" button.

You are now ready to format your letterhead. Proceed as follows:

9. Go to the Edit Menu and choose "Select All". Then choose a font from the Font Menu.

10. Highlight the lines of text you want to center and click on the Center Text icon on the ClarisWorks Ruler.

11. Put the cursor anywhere in the first line of text and triple-click to select the line. Then go to the Style Menu and select "Boldface".

12. With the first line of text still highlighted, select "14 point" from the Size Menu.

13. Click anywhere below the date to put the insertion point where you normally start typing.

14. Finally, stop recording the macro by issuing a Command-Shift-J. Alternatively, you can select "Macros" from the File Menu and "Stop Recording" from the Macros Menu.

Now test the macro by creating a new word processor document and issuing an Option-Command-l. The screen will flash as ClarisWorks creates your formatted letterhead.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012