Hanging Paragraphs Macros (WP)

This is a portion of an article that originally appeared in the ClarisWorks Journal, the monthly publication of the ClarisWorks Users Group, Box 701010, Plymouth, MI 48170; (313) 454-1969; Fax: (313) 454-1965. Copyright ClarisWorks Users Group; reprinted with permission.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Let's create two macros that will help you format documents. The first macro will set the Ruler to produce a hanging paragraph. The second macro will return the Ruler to the default paragraph format.

Follow these steps to create a "hanging paragraph macro":

1. Select "New" from ClarisWorks' File Menu and indicate that you want to create a new word processor document.

2. Issue a Command-Shift-J or go to the Macro Menu and select "Record Macro" to indicate that you want to create a new macro.

3. Define the macro key as Option-Command-h and name the macro "Hanging Paragraph".

4. Put the pointer on the Left Indent Marker (the right-facing triangle at the one-inch mark) in the Ruler at the top of the screen.

5. Hold down the Option Key, then click and drag the Left Indent Marker to the 1-1/4-inch mark on the Ruler.

6. Stop recording the macro by issuing a Command-Shift-J or by selecting "Macros" from the File Menu and "Stop Recording" from the Macros Menu.

Test the macro by creating a new word processor document and issuing an Option-Command-h. ClarisWorks will reset the Ruler to accommodate an indented paragraph.

Now repeat the steps above and create a macro that resets the Left Indent Marker back to the one-inch position on the Ruler. Assign this macro to Option-Command-u ("Un-indent"). (You must hold down the Option Key to move the Left Indent Marker.)

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012