Menu Commands in the ClarisWorks Graphics Environment (DR)

This is a portion of an article that originally appeared in the ClarisWorks Journal, the monthly publication of the ClarisWorks Users Group, Box 701010, Plymouth, MI 48170; (313) 454-1969; Fax: (313) 454-1965. Copyright ClarisWorks Users Group; reprinted with permission.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

A list of all available menus in the Graphics Environment of ClarisWorks with descriptions of their functions and keyboard equivalents.

The Apple Menu

The Apple Menu lets you access a dialog box that provides information about your copy of ClarisWorks, including the serial number and the version number. From this menu you can also access the ClarisWorks' Help system (Command-?) and any Desk Accessories you installed.

ClarisWorks offers key combinations that duplicate commands available on the menus. "Command?" indicates that you can invoke the Help system by holding down the Command Key and pressing "?".

The File Menu

The File Menu allows you to control the features of the document as a whole. Here is a summary of the commands available in this menu:

New: Command-N. Lets you create a new document.

Open: Command-O. Lets you open an existing document.

Insert: Lets you insert a graphic created in another program and saved in PICT, TIFF, PAINT or EPS format.

To insert a graphic, follow these steps:

1. Go to the File Menu and select "Insert".

2. A dialog box will appear asking which file you would like to insert. Select the graphic you want to use and click on "Insert".

3. The graphic will appear in your document and be selected. You can move or re-size the graphic, but you cannot edit it.

Close: Command-W. Closes the current document. (Or click on the "close" box.)

Save: Command-S. Saves the current document.

Save as: Command-Shift-S. Lets you save the current document using a different name or as a Stationery (template) file or in PICT format.

Macros: Lets you create macros to automate procedures.

Mail Merge: Command-M. Lets you merge files for printing.

Page Setup: Lets you select the paper size, orientation, and some printer effects such as font substitution and precision bitmap reduction. (These options are printer-specific. See your printer manual.)

Print: Command-P. Activates the Print Dialog Box to let you print a document.

Quit: Command-Q. Quits ClarisWorks, prompting to see if you want to save any unsaved, open documents.

The Edit Menu

The Edit Menu lets you modify objects you created.

Undo: Command-Z. Undoes the last action you performed. The menu selection name reflects the action to be undone. For example, if you drew a square, the selection name will be "Undo New" and selecting it deletes the square. If you changed a fill color, the selection name will be "Undo Format" and selecting it reverts the fill to the original color. Once you select "Undo", it changes to "Redo" and lets you redo the action you just undid.

Cut: Command-X. Copies the selected objects or text to the clipboard and then deletes them from the screen.

Copy: Command-C. Copies the selected objects or text to the clipboard but does not delete them from the screen.

Paste: Command-V. Copies the objects or text from the clipboard to the document. In the case of text, it copies the text to the cursor location.

Clear: Deletes the selected objects or text. Has the same effect as pressing the Delete Key.
Select All: Command-A. Selects all unlocked objects in the current document.

Duplicate: Command-D. Makes a single copy of the currently selected object. The copy will be shifted to the right and down. It will be in front of the original.

Reshape: Command-R. Lets you move, add or delete individual vertices of a selected polygon.

Smooth: Command-(. Smooths the selected polygon by rounding all vertices.

Unsmooth: Command-). "Unsmooths" the selected polygon and returns all vertices to their angular shape.

Preferences: Activates a menu that lets you set some of the default values. These are broken into two categories: text and graphics. The text section lets you turn Smart Quotes on and off, turn Fractional Character Widths on and off, turn Auto Number Footnotes on and off, select the Starting Footnote Number, and select the Date Format. The graphics section lets you determine the number of selection points in an object, whether Polygon Closing is Automatic or Manual, and the degree of Shift Constraint.

Changing Polygon Closing to Manual means that a polygon will not close unless you double-click on the original vertex. If Polygon Closing is set to Automatic, the last point you draw will be connected to the starting point, closing the shape.

Changing the degree of Shift Constraint changes the constraint placed on moving objects, lines or polygons when you hold down the Shift Key. The Shift Constraint value must be between 0¡ and 45¡.

Note that the changes you make in the Preferences Dialog Box only effect the current document and any objects created after the change.

The Format Menu

The Format Menu lets you control the format of text and word processor frames. A few graphics-specific commands include:

Document...: Lets you control the size of the current document. You can set the margins, select the starting page number, select the numbers across and down, and turn Show Margins and Show Page Guides on and off.

Rulers...: Lets you control the appearance of the rulers. You can select Text or Graphics rulers. Text rulers appear only across the top of the page and show tabs, alignment and line controls. Graphics rulers run up the left edge and across the top of the page and do not allow any text control.

You can select the number of divisions on the ruler. Selecting "8" will divide each inch into 1/8th-inch markings.

Finally, you can select the units displayed on the ruler as inches, picas, points, millimeters or centimeters.

Arrange Menu

Move Forward/Move Backward: Command-Shift-+/Command-Shift--. Moves the selected object forward/backward one level in 3-dimensional space.

Move to Front/Move to Back: Moves the selected object to the top/bottom level.

Align to Grid: Command-K. The graphics environment offers an invisible grid that makes it easier to line up your objects. The grid divisions are set using the "Rulers" Command from the Edit Menu. Align to Grid lets you move the selected object to align with the closest grid division.

Align Objects:Command-Shift-K. Lets you align selected objects. A dialog box appears, letting you select the vertical and/or horizontal alignment you want to use. You must make selections on both sides of the dialog box.

Rotate: Command-Shift-R. Rotates the selected object by 90¡.

Flip Horizontal: Flips the object around the vertical axis.

Flip Vertical: Flips the object around the horizontal axis.

Group: Command-G. Groups the selected objects. After grouping, multiple objects can be moved and resized as if they were one object.

Ungroup: Command-Shift-G. Ungroups the selected group. The separate components can then be manipulated individually.

Lock: Command-H. Locks the selected objects. Locked objects cannot be moved, deleted or modified.

Unlock: Command-Shift-H. Unlocks the selected, locked objects. They can then be moved, deleted or modified.

Options Menu

Hide Graphics Grid: Hides the graphics grid. When the grid is hidden, this becomes "Show Graphics Grid" and selecting it causes the grid to appear.

Turn Autogrid Off: Command-Y. Turns off the Autogrid. The Autogrid causes shapes to "snap" to the grid when you are moving or drawing them. With the grid off, you can draw shapes of any size and move the shapes to any position. With the grid turned off, this menu selection title becomes "Turn Autogrid On" and selecting it turns the grid back on.

Scale Selection: Lets you scale the selected objects to the selected horizontal and vertical percentages.

Object Info...: Command-Shift-I. Lets you change one of the following three options, depending on the selected item:

Round Corners: Rounds the corners of the selected rectangle by a selected radius.

Modify Arc: Lets you alter the starting point and radius of the selected arc.

Modify Frame: Lets you change the format of the selected spreadsheet.

Frame Links: Lets you "link" text blocks so that text will flow from one to the next.

View Menu

The View Menu lets you create a new View Window of the current document, display the margins, and increase or decrease the scale of the view.

The View Menu also lets you show/hide the toolbar and the rulers, arrange the windows side by side in reduced size (tile), arrange the full-size windows one on top of the other (stack), and select a window to display at the front of the stack.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012