Using a Command Symbol in ClarisWorks (WP)

This is a portion of an article that originally appeared in the ClarisWorks Journal, the monthly publication of the ClarisWorks Users Group, Box 701010, Plymouth, MI 48170; (313) 454-1969; Fax: (313) 454-1965. ©ClarisWorks Users Group; reprinted with permission.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

A letter in the August/September 1992 issue of the ClarisWorks Journal indicates that you cannot include a Command (Command) symbol (also called a "quadrille") in a ClarisWorks document. Our thanks to the more than a dozen CWUG members who sent us their favorite workarounds for this problem. Most of these letters described how to create the Command symbol in a graphic or word processing program and import the symbol into ClarisWorks.

The most elegant solution we found was one developed by CWUG' Public Domain Librarian, Nanette Luoma, who created a ClarisWorks-compatible font that contains the Command symbol. You add the font to your system and relaunch ClarisWorks. From then on, you can select the font and type a Q to insert a Command symbol in a document.

You can even create a ClarisWorks macro that switches to the Quadrille font, types the Command symbol, and returns to your default font.

CWUG's new Command Symbol Font Disk includes both Postscript and TrueType versions of the Quadrille font. ClarisWorks users running under System 7.x should copy the font into the System Folder and restart their Macintosh. CWUG members using System 6.x should use Font DA Mover to install the font in their system.

The Command Symbol Font Disk costs $6 plus $2 s/h per order from the Public Domain Library, CWUG, Box 701010, Plymouth, Michigan 48170; (313) 454-1969; Fax: (313) 454-1965.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012