Compatibility Issues: MacDraw Pro and Adobe Printer Driver Version 8.0

This article describes PostScript printer compatibility issues with MacDraw Pro.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

* Imported images with patterns will not print correctly if they are rotated before printing.

* You cannot cancel out of a print job.

* Inserting a bitmap and saving as an EPS files with PICT preview may result in incorrect images when inserted into other applications.

* You cannot import an EPS file that does not contain an PICT preview.

* You may encounter a system error when importing a more complex EPS file.

* Polygons may not image properly when printed.

* Documents containing more than one imported EPS file may not print correctly.

* Saving an EPS with a screen PICT may not image properly when inserted into another application. Image should print correctly.

* Saving an EPS with a screen PICT may not image properly when inserted into another application and scaled to another size. Image will print as displayed on screen.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012