ClarisWorks Page Break Before a Sub-summary (DB)

ClarisWorks cannot designate that a part on a database layout should always advance to a new page before printing - but there is a workaround.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Q. I want my ClarisWorks database to print with a page break before each sub-summary. How can I get it to do this?

A. ClarisWorks cannot designate that a part of a database layout should always advance to a new page before printing. However, you can achieve something similar to this. Let's say you are a teacher with several classes. You have a database of students for all your classes and want to print a report that prints the class and a list of students in that class (a sub-summary when sorted by class). You want each class to start on a new page. To do this, try these steps

1. Create a layout with a Body part and a Sub-summary part (when sorted by Class) above the body.
2. Position the Class field in the sub-summary, and the Student field in the body.
3. Shrink the body to the minimum vertical height that still can contain the student field.
4. Enlarge the sub-summary so that it pushes the body all the way to the bottom of the layout.
5. Sort the file by Class.
6. Print the report. Each class group will start on a new page.

TIP: On the Macintosh, if you are printing to an Apple LaserWriter, be sure to select the Larger Print Area check box in the Options of Page Setup, otherwise you'll get only one student per page.

Another option to creating a separate sub-summary category on each page is to do a find for one of the items to be summarized and then generate the Sub-Summary report. Repeat doing a find for the second item to be summarized, etc. This will give the same results although it requires more effort to do. If the same report is to be used, then Macros could be used to automate part of the procedure.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012