There are situations where the connector between two objects doesn't seem to take the shortest route between them, or when the connector doesn't seem attached to the object.
The most likely scenario for the first problem is when the distance between the two objects is less than the minimum length set in the Connector Settings dialog.
The setting in the dialog is the minimum length for each half of a right angle connector. If you have set a minimum of .25", then you will need at least .5" between objects to get the connector to draw correctly. That's .25" for each half of the connector. There is no minimum length for straight connectors.
For example, if you have two flow chart elements that are .5" apart, and you have the set the minimum connector length to .1", you will have no problem. But if you move the two objects closer together, ClarisImpact will try to find the shortest path between the objects that it can draw, maintaining the minimum length set by the connector.
The solution is to move the objects further apart, or to lower the minimum setting in the Connectors dialog. Another problem that might occur is if the end of the connector is not really 'connected' to an object, but merely rests near it. You can tell if this is the case if you move the object. If they are not connected, the object will move but the connector will not.
You can reattach the connector to the object by clicking and dragging the end of the connector over the point of the object that you wish to connect it to. When the mouse is over a part of the object that it can connect to (an edge, or the center) you will see a small plus sign (+) near the cursor. Releasing the mouse when you have that cursor will attach the connector to the object.