Freehand Objects do not Preview or Print to HP Deskwriter.

If you create an object with the freehand line tool, copy it, quit the program, re-launch the program, then paste that object into a new text frame, that freehand object will not print to an HP DeskWriter printer and the HP Print Preview option will not show the object.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Here's how to duplicate it:

1. Using the freehand tool, draw an object.
2. Copy the selected object.
3. Quit - then relaunch the application.
4. If you are using ClarisWorks, open a new WP document. If you are using ClarisImpact, create a new report document or text frame.
5. Paste. In ClarisImpact, you must use Option-Paste to insert the graphic as an inline graphic.

(Notice that when pasting the graphic as an inline graphic or an object within the text frame, it appears to be inserted correctly.)

6. With an HP DeskWriter driver selected, select Print form the file menu.
7. In the Print dialog box, select Preview.

Notice that the freehand object does not appear.

This happens in the Preview of several different DeskWriter drivers.

Workaround: It seems that if the drawing is grouped, or, consists of several freehand objects - all of which are copied as a group, then pasted following the procedure above, then ungrouped, they print.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012