ClarisWorks: Maximum number of Pages has been Exceeded (WP)

Launch Claris Works, and try to open a Word Processing document. Claris Works takes a long time to open. As the document attempts to open, the following information box is displayed:

"The maximum number of pages has been exceeded".

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Go to Control Panels, Printers. Check the paper size. Setting the printer back to letter or legal page size should fix the problem.

There is an upper limit on the amount of inches (or pages) that Claris Works can support for a given document. With the page set to a small size, the word processor could not open a new document correctly.

Note: The word processor was the only module affected by the small page size. All other modules functioned properly.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012