Macintosh II Video Card: Features (2/95)

This article describes the original Macintosh video card.

The Macintosh II video card provide scolor capability for simultaneous display of up to 256 colors on the Apple High Resolution Color Monitor. With the card's three 8 bit digital to analog converters (RGB) there are more than 16 million possible colors to choose from.

Color Modes
* One bit per pixel for 2 color output

* Two bits per pixel for 4 colors

* Four bits per pixel for 16 colors

* Optional Eight bits per pixel for 256 colors

Video Signals
* RS343 Analog RGB for Apple High Resolution Color Monitor

* RS343 Analog Green signal for Apple High Resolution Monochrome Monitor

* RS170 Composite interlaced video for analog RGB monitors, film recorders and projection TV's

* RS170 Analog Green signal for composite interlaced video with sync for analog monochrome monitors, film recorders, and projection TV's

Hardware Features
* Multiple video card operation for larger screen area For example, 2 cards handle 2 video screens for viewing different or large format documents.

* Standard VIDEO RAM configuration of 256K for 1, 2, and 4 bit color modes 8 chips of 150NS 64x4 KBit Video RAM.

* Upgraded VIDEO RAM configuration of 512K for 8 bit color mode 8 additional chips of 150NS 64x4 Kbit Video RAM

*** Video RAM contains a shift register for the copying of rows of bits from the RAM array. This allows reads and writes to the RAM array and the shift register simultaneously. This is not a feature of standard or common RAM and is necessary to the workings of the video card.

* Two Oscillators provide timing signals of:
30.24MHz for Macintosh II monitors (RS343)
12.27MHz for RS170 monitors (Composite Monochrome interlaced video)

* Slot independent operation

* Triple 8 bit digital to analog converters for 2 to the 24th colors equalling 16.8 million.

Article Change History:
14 Feb 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, corrected spelling of sync.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012