Dictionary Information for Scriptable Claris Applications

Here is a brief explanation of how the dictionaries are generated by AppleScript and how they are useful in learning how to use AppleScript with Claris Applications.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Applications that are "Scriptable" by scripting applications such as AppleScript contain a resource called the "AETE Resource". If an application does not contain the resource, it can not be sent events by AppleScript. The following Claris Applications contain this resource:

MacDraw Pro 1.5
MacProject Pro 1.5
FileMaker Pro 2.0
Claris Resolve 1.1
ClarisWorks 2.x (NOTE - Though an AETE resource is available, AppleEvents are NOT a supported feature of ClarisWorks)

This resource contains information about the application's ability to accept Apple Events sent to it by other programs. AppleScript can take the information in this resource and compile a dictionary of the events and objects for that application.

The dictionaries are organized by the particular suites the events fall into. For example, FileMaker Pro supports events for the 1) Required Suite, 2) a special subset of the Core, Table, and Database suites, and 3) its own FileMaker Suite. Each suite has information regarding the specific events such as 'Duplicate', and 'Open', that fall into its suite. Also included in the suite information are details regarding the classes of elements that the events can be applied to such as Application, Field, Record.... etc. In addition, there are properties that describe aspects of the elements (for example, one property of layouts in FileMaker Pro is whether they are protected by any access privileges) in the dictionary. For more information about AppleScript's dictionaries, refer to "The Tao of AppleScript" published by Hayden Books.

It is important to use the syntax detailed by the dictionary in order to use AppleScript with the chosen application. For example; FileMaker Pro can count the number of objects in any given class (such as scripts) and return that number to AppleScript. So if we want to get this number we might be tempted to create an AppleScript like this

"Count the number of scripts of document 1".

In essence this is correct. however, executing this script would return an error because it does not follow the syntax set forth in the dictionary. The correct statement is:

"Count the number of FileMaker Script of document 1".

Notice that the statement says "FileMaker Script" and is singular. Semantical differences like this are important and, if paid attention to, will make the learning process of scripting Claris Applications much easier.

It is also important to recognize that AppleScript is a powerful tool. Using its ability to create dictionaries will greatly speed up the learning process of using it with Claris Applications.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

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Published Date: Feb 18, 2012