ClarisImpact: Explanation of Cursor Appearance Changes

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The ClarisImpact cursor will change during a creation of a document.

Some advantages of changing the appearance of the cursor include:
1) You know if you've chosen a frame or the contents of the frame.
2) You know whether or not there is another step to the current action.
3) The cursor changes depending upon its position over your document.

Each time a new frame is selected or an object is changed, the cursor will change to let you know the status of the operation. If no frame is selected, clicking and dragging will produce a hand with a pointing finger.

When selecting a new frame to be created, such as an outline or a table, the cursor will change from the Selection Tool (Arrow) to a Crosshair (+). After the frame has been created, the cursor will change to:

Text Frame = I-Beam
Outline Frame = I-Beam
Spreadsheet Frame = Thick Plus
Chart Frame = Thick Plus
Time Line Frame = Thick Plus (by clicking above the Task name but below the frame edge, the cursor will change to a arrow pointing down. Clicking with this cursor will highlight the column.)
Organization Frame = Gray Arrow. When adding or editing text, the cursor will change to an I-beam.
Flow Chart Frame = Gray Arrow. When adding or editing text, the cursor will change to an I-beam.
Calendar Frame = Gray Arrow. When adding or editing an event or banner the cursor will change to an I-beam
Line = Crosshair (+)
Shape = Crosshair (+)
Grab Hand = Selecting an object from a library palette
Arrow with small marquee = indicates that you can move the frame
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012