Error Message "Cannot Modify a Non-Modifiable Subscriber" (SS)

When I Publish some data from a ClarisWorks Spreadsheet or a ClarisImpact TabIe, I cannot change the font, style or size of the published numbers in the Subscribing Spreadsheet or Table. I get the message "Cannot modify a non-modifiable subscriber". Since ClarisWorks publishes with a generic font, how am I supposed to change the text attributes?


When I Publish formatted numbers (for example, currency or fixed) from one Spreadsheet or Table to another, the formatting is lost in the Subscribing document.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

Set the number format, font, style or size in the document before subscribing to the edition file.

NOTE: The above solution only needs to be used from Spreadsheet to Spreadsheet or Table to Table. For example, creating a Spreadsheet edition file and subscribing from a Word Processing file still allows modification of the Subscriber.

If you have further difficulties with formatting the data, please refer to the article "Text Formatting Difficulties With Publish and Subscribe" (article# 55659).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012