Text Formatting Difficulties With Publish and Subscribe

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
If you Subscribe from a ClarisWorks 2.0 (or higher) Spreadsheet or ClarisImpact Table Publisher without first formatting the cell, the published data will come in with no formatting. For example, if your published data is formatted as currency, and you don't select the subscribing cells and format them as currency BEFORE subscribing, you will just get the data (1 for $1.00, etc.)

This is actually normal. The same thing happens if you simply copy and paste data from a ClarisWorks Spreadsheet document to a ClarisWorks Word Processing document (as opposed to into a Spreadsheet frame, which can be formatted). Refer to the Tech Info article entitled "Pasting Number-Formatted Data from SS to WP" for a full explanation.

Possible Symptom:
If you format the cells in the subscribing document and then subscribe, you will notice that all but the first cell will come in with the proper formatting.

Suggested workaround:
In the publishing document, include a blank cell as the first cell in the published data.

Another Possible Issue:
If you modify the data in the publishing spreadsheet and then save, the subscriber is updated but loses all formatting. There is no workaround for this at this time.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012