ClarisImpact: Format Options are Ignored when Saving Organization Chart Model Styles

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
1. If you click on a box or any other object of the Organization Chart and make a format change to that object by using one of the palettes (such as the color or pattern palettes), you cannot save these format changes in a Model Style. This is because you made changes directly to the model and did not apply existing elements to that model. ClarisImpact references the Elements Styles library to create models. If you do not use existing Element Styles to create a model, changes you have to the model will be ignored.

Solution: From the OrgChart menu, use Element Styles, Connector Settings, Level Settings and Frame Spacing to modify an Org Chart.

2. Because Organization Charts are level-based, in order to save a model style, each level must have the same Element Styles applied to that level. For example, if you have 2 blue worker boxes at a level 2 and you use the Element Styles dialog to change 1 worker box to yellow, when you try to save this as a Model Style, that level will revert to a default setting. Similarly, if you change individual workers or connectors, then try to add an Org Chart as a Model Style, a dialog box may warn you that it cannot add the modifications. If all workers or connectors are not the same at a given level, ClarisImpact will ignore the applied format options.

Solution: Make sure that all the workers on each level are the same.

See related article "Creating and Saving Model Styles"
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012