When recording a macro in ClarisWorks, the Record Macro dialog gives you an option of assigning a function key to invoke or play the macro later. Normally, when you select the Function Key radio button, a box highlights showing the next available function key in black.
Because the Apple Adjustable Keyboards function keys are actually on a separate keypad, ClarisWorks doesn't see them in the same way it sees them on an Apple Extended Keyboard. When using the Adjustable Keyboard, ClarisWorks will show the appropriate function key, but it will be gray. It will still work though - meaning depressing the grayed out function key after recording the macro will play that macro.
This is only an issue if you are using ClarisWorks 2.0 and System 7.1 - it is fixed in ClarisWorks 2.1 or later, and in later versions of the system software. If you are using System 7.1, you can correct this by installing the System Update 3.0 (which updates you to System 7.1.2), it will then show the function key in black in the Record Macro dialog.