ClarisImpact is a brand-new application from Claris that dramatically simplifies the creation of top-quality business graphics . Choose from professionally-designed templates to automatically create organization charts, timelines, flow charts, data charts, calendars and more. Place AND edit these "smart" graphics directly in printed reports and slide shows using Impact's integrated word processing and presentation capabilities. ClarisImpact includes everything you need to create high-impact business graphics, all in one easy-to-use application.
- $399 suggested retail price (SRP) in the U.S.
- Currently registered owners of MacDraw Pro can purchase ClarisImpact for Macintosh for $99, or choose ClarisDraw for $99 (SRP).
- Registered owners of MacDraw II, ClarisWorks, or comparable competitive graphics applications can purchase either ClarisDraw or ClarisImpact for $149 (SRP).
- Customers who purchased MacDraw Pro after June 1, 1993 can purchase ClarisImpact for Macintosh for a special price of $49, or upgrade to ClarisDraw for Macintosh for a special price of $29 (SRP).
See article "ClarisImpact SRP and Upgrade Options" and "Product Fact Sheet, ClarisImpact 1.0 for Macintosh" for more detailed information.