One of the most frequently asked of frequently asked questions on the Macintosh Internet discussion groups has been, "Is there a freeware or shareware ZMODEM tool for Communications Toolbox (CTB) programs?" Until very recently, the answer was always "No, and there aren't really any common commercial ones either." Aladdin solved the commercial conundrum by including one with their popular new program, SITcomm, and DCA's CrossTalk for Macintosh also includes one. But now, thanks to Mark/Space Softworks there is a free ZMODEM tool on the nets.
The tool (which lives in your Extensions folder) works with numerous CTB programs such as the communications modules in ClarisWorks, GreatWorks, and Microsoft Works, Synergy's powerful VersaTerm, and Tim Endres's free Termy. It supports auto receive, picks up interrupted transfers in the middle, supports batch transfers, works over telnet connections and serial connections using software flow control, and includes full status information.
The catch? "There must be a catch," you say. You're right. The free version of the ZMODEM tool is actually a demo for the $29.95 commercial version, but the difference between the two is that the free demo version supports only downloading. Thus, if you're like most people and mostly or only download files, the demo will serve your needs. And of course, you can order the full version with the order form included with the demo should you wish to take advantage of the speed and features of ZMODEM when uploading.
Mark/Space Softworks
408/982-9781 (support)
408/982-9780 (fax