Listed below are the XTND translators included with ClarisImpact, organized by environment.
Report environment:
Filter Version Import/Export Platform Open Save Place
ASCII Text 1.0 I Both OP
CGM 1.0x26 I Mac OP
DIF 1.0 I Both OP
EPSF 1.0v4 I/E Mac OSP
GIF 1.0 I Both OP
MacDraw II 1.1 1.0v4 I/E Mac OSP
MacDraw Pro 1.0x16 I/E Mac OSP
MacPaint 2.0v2 I Mac OP
MacWrite II 1.0v2 I Mac OP
MS Word 3.0 1.0v1 I Mac OP
MS Word 4-5** 1.0v3 I Mac OP
MS Excel 3.0 1.0 I Mac OP
MS Write 1.0 * I Mac OP
PICT 2.0v2 I/E Mac OSP
QuickTime Movie 1.0 I Mac OP
RTF 1.0v2 I Both OP
SYLK 1.0 I Both OP
Text 1.0v1 I Both OP
TIFF 2.0v2 I Both OP
Presentation environment:
Filter Version Import/Export Platform Open Save Place
ASCII Text 1.0 I Both OP
CGM 1.0x26 I/E Mac OSP
DIF 1.0 I Both OP
EPSF 1.0v4 I/E Mac OSP
GIF 1.0 I Both OP
MacDraw II 1.1 1.0v4 I/E Mac OSP
MacDraw Pro 1.0x16 I/E Mac OSP
MacPaint 2.0v2 I Mac OP
MacWrite II 1.0v2 I Mac OP
MS Word 3.0 1.0v1 I Mac OP
MS Word 4-5** 1.0v3 I Mac OP
MS Excel 3.0 1.0 I Mac OP
MS Write 1.0 * I Mac OP
PICT 2.0v2 I/E Mac OSP
QuickTime Movie 1.0 I Mac OP
RTF 1.0v2 I Both OP
SYLK 1.0 I Both OP
Text 1.0v1 I Both OP
TIFF 2.0v2 I Both OP
Drawing environment:
Filter Version Import/Export Platform Open Save Place
ASCII Text 1.0 I Both P
CGM 1.0x26 I Mac O
DIF 1.0 I Both P
EPSF 1.0v4 I Mac OP
GIF 1.0 I Both OP
MacDraw II 1.1 1.0v4 I Mac O
MacDraw Pro 1.0x16 I Mac O
MacPaint 2.0v2 I Mac OP
MacWrite II 1.0v2 I/E Mac OSP
MS Word 3.0 1.0v1 I/E Mac OSP
MS Word 4-5** 1.0v3 I/E Mac OSP
MS Excel 3.0 1.0 I Mac OP
MS Write 1.0 * I/E Mac OSP
PICT 2.0v2 I Mac OP
QuickTime Movie 1.0 I Mac OP
RTF 1.0v2 I/E Both OSP
SYLK 1.0 I Both P
Text 1.0v1 I/E Both OSP
TIFF 2.0v2 I Both OP
*The MS Write 1.0 translator is packaged inside of the Microsoft Word 3.0 translator.
** The MS Word 4-5 translator translates versions 4.0 and 5.0 of Word. Versions 5.1 and later of Word are not supported. Translations of those documents might result in garbage characters, incorrect formatting or error messages.