Equal Width SmartSize Relationship is Lost with Align Vertically

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
If you have objects with an Equal Width SmartSize Relationship and then Align them Vertically, the equal width relationship will be lost. To see this problem:

1. Create two objects of differing widths and select them.
2. Choose the Alignment command from the Arrange menu.
3. Create an Equal Width Relationship by checking the Create box and then clicking on the Size Horizontal button (upper right hand Alignment icon). Notice that the triangles which indicate the Equal Width Relationship appear.
4. Click on the Align Vertical Center icon (lower line, second from left) or the Align Vertical button.

You will see that the symbols showing the Equal Width Relationship are no longer there.

To make this work properly:
Reverse steps 3 and 4. As a general rule, you should apply object alignment before applying object SmartSize relationships.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012