Gradients Not Visible At Extreme Zoom Levels

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Displaying a gradient at extreme zoom levels in an object with many sides is a very complicated process. High zoom levels may cause ClarisImpact not draw the gradient at all, making it appear that the object has no fill.

You may even get an error message stating, "Some gradients may not be drawn because they are too large. Please note that this alert will not be repeated."

The object will still print with the gradient fill, and when you return to a less extreme zoom level, you will see the gradient fill again on-screen.

Here is an example of how to see this happen:

1. Create a star as large as the screen.
2. Fill the star with a gradient.
3. Zoom to 3200 percent.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012