Model Styles Not Appearing in Model Pre-creation Dialog

Model Styles are stored in a folder called ClarisImpact Styles which is stored at the same level as the application. By default, ClarisImpact Preferences is automatically placed in this location. Changing these names and locations can cause issues.
This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Model Styles do not show in the Model Styles dialog or in the Pre-creation dialogs.

Try the following solutions one at a time, restarting the application after each solution to see if the issue is fixed. If the issue persists, quit the application and try the next solution.

A Note on File Compression:

Many people use compression utilities to create more space on their hard drives. These compression utilities perform their compression in one of two ways: either they compress the entire formatted contents of the drive, and apply what is called "driver-level compression," or they compress each individual file on the drive and apply what is called "file compression."
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012