Assistant - In an Organizational Chart, a special position that reports to a Manager but is on a different level from other Worker positions.
Adjacent Days - "Adjacent Days" are those days which are a part of the calendar grid, but not part of the calendar month. These might be the last few days of the previous month, or the first few days of the next month, which might appear at the beginning and/or end of a calendar created for the current month.
Banner - a Calendar Event that spans many days. See page 10-2 and 10-7 for best explanation. See below for explanation of Event.
Clone - Once an object is dragged onto a document from a Library it becomes a clone. Also, see below about Replace Clones.
Connector Line - Intelligent lines that connect elements in an Organization Chart or Flow Chart. Connector Lines can also be drawn between objects with the Connector Tool. If you move one of the objects joined by a Connector the line will automatically reshape to accommodate the change. See page 11-29 for information about drawing your own Connectors lines.
Duration - In a Timeline, the length of time it takes to complete a task. See Chapter 8 for more information about Timelines.
Element - the smallest component of a Model. For Example, a bar in a Bar Chart.
Element Style - Color, fill, pattern, background or other style you can apply to the components of a Model.
Event - Text you add to a single day on a Calendar. Similar to a Banner. See Chapter 10 for discussion of Calendar Models.
Latest Start/Finish - The latest time to start/complete a task without delaying the schedule. See Chapter 8 for information about Timelines.
Library - Art contained inside a special document. Items can be dragged from a Library onto a document easily. Make your own libraries or use pre-designed Libraries in the ClarisArt folder.
Manager - Any position in an Organizational Chart with other positions reporting to it.
Planned Finish/Start - In a Timeline, the date you plan to complete/start a task. See Chapter 8 for more information regarding Timelines.
PointGuide - Shows the center of an object or the center point of an object's height or width on any side with a plus sign next to the arrow. Also, the arrow will turn white when it is over an object.
Position - An element in an Organization Chart that represents a job function. Positions usually appear as boxes.
Replace Clones - Allows you to find and replace Clones. For example you could make a change to one of the Clones and change all of them with this feature.
Slack Time - In a Timeline, the period between the Planned Finish date and the Latest Finish date. See Chapter for information about Timelines.
Style - Color, pattern, gradient, text, line setting or other that apply to a Model or an Element within a Model. Styles show in the Model pre-creation dialog.
Subordinate - In an Organizational Chart, a Position that reports directly to another Position.
Symbol - An Element in a Flow Chart connected by Connector Lines to other Symbols.
Task - A project or component of a project that is scheduled and tracked on a Timeline. See Chapter 8 for information regarding Timelines.
Topic - In an Outline, the major headings. Subtopics are subordinate to Topics. See Chapter 9 for more information about Outlines.
Worker - Any position in an Organizational Chart that does not have subordinate positions reporting to it. See Chapter 4 for more information regarding Organizational Charts.