"Not Enough Chart Data" or Chart Error After Moving Table Cells

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Swapping the right hand or bottom rows of a Table may cause a chart made from that Table to display a message that there is not enough data to draw the Chart or it may redraw the Chart incorrectly.

To see the problem:
1) Create a 3 column by 3 row Table
2) Fill the top row and left column with text
3) Fill the rest of the cells with numbers
4) Select all of the cells and make a line chart
5) Select the second column and drag-swap it with the third column.

You will get a message that there is not enough chart data or the Chart may redraw incorrectly. The problem is that ClarisImpact does not reset the data range to include the column that was moved.

To work around this problem:
1. After you have swapped the rows, go to Range... under the Chart menu and type in the correct range.
2. Reselect the table data and recreate the chart.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012