Drawings Pasted Into Microsoft Word Print Incorrectly

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Freehand objects and polygons that are brought into Microsoft Word will print incorrectly when using the LaserWriter 8 driver.

Although the image appears correctly on the screen, when printed, the pen color is used as the fill color instead of the correct fill color (e.g. a red triangle with a yellow border will print as solid yellow). In informal testing, the drawing printed correctly from MacDraw Pro and ClarisWorks as well as from Word Perfect. It appears this is an issue with Microsoft and the LaserWriter 8 driver, since the problem only occurs when using Microsoft Word (and PowerPoint) in conjunction with the LaserWriter 8 driver. Microsoft Technical Support is aware of the problem.

The only known work-around is to use the LaserWriter 7 driver.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012