There is no feature for adding a carriage return to a ClarisImpact organization field as there is with a flow chart field (Option-Command-Return). If you need carriage returns in your organization chart, use Copy and Paste to add a carriage return from a Text model or Report document into your organization chart field. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Create a Report document.
2. Go to the Layout menu and select Preferences.
3. Select Preferences from the Layout menu. Set Text Preferences to Show Invisibles. Click OK to exit Preferences.
4. Back in your Report document, type a few carriage returns and copy one. A carriage return character appears as a bent arrow.
5. Return to your Drawing document and paste your copied carriage return into the fields in your Org Chart where you wish to display carriage returns.
You may want to create an Element Style that has a text block with returns already in it. Here's how to do this:
1. In your organization chart document, select Element Styles... from the OrgChart menu.
2. In the Element Styles palette that appears, click on the triangle button (it points down) to display more options.
3. Click the New button. Rename your style to "Carriage Return."
4. Click the Edit button, which brings up the Style Editor.
5. To add carriage returns, begin typing carriage returns to create a text block. Drag this text block to the organization chart element space.
6. Click OK to exit the Style Editor.
To use this style again in future organization chart documents, you choose the Element Styles... menu, select the "Carriage Return" style and click the Apply button.
Alternate technique
Rather than pasting carriage returns into organization chart fields, you may consider adding extra fields (through the Style Editor) to the organization chart element. This is the equivalent of adding extra lines or carriage returns in an organization chart element. Here's how to do it:
1. Bring up the Element Styles palette in your organization chart Document by selecting the Element Styles... menu from the OrgChart menu.
2. Next, bring up the Style Editor window by clicking on the triangle button for more options; then, type the name of your new style (you might call it "More Fields") in the name box; and click on the New Button.
3. In the Style Editor, drag new fields from the Field tool to your organization chart element.When you release your mouse button, the Field Definitions dialog box appears. Highlight the field you want and click OK.
4. You may need to adjust the size of your organization chart element before you exit the Style Editor.
The new fields appear as extra lines in your organization chart element when you use the style you created here for future organization chart elements.
Remember, an Organization Chart Element Style needs to have at least one field.