MacDraw Pro: Drop Launch Doesn‘t Translate MacDraw II Files

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Macintosh System 7 has a feature called "Drop Launching," which allows you to drag a file icon over the icon of the application that created it and launch that file into the application. Claris applications allow you to drop-launch in System 7.

In addition, because MacDraw Pro uses the XTND translation system to open and convert files from other document formats, you can drop-launch onto MacDraw Pro files which were created in MacDraw II or files which are in standard graphic formats. MacDraw Pro will launch and translate the files.

However, if you drop-launch a file and MacDraw Pro launches but the file does not open up as a MacDraw Pro document, it is likely that the XTND translation has failed for some reason. To troubleshoot the problem:

1. Quit MacDraw Pro.
2. Open the System Folder.
3. Open the folder titled "Claris."
4. Make sure that there is a file called "Claris XTND System" and a folder called "Claris Translators."
5. Open the Claris Translators folder and make sure that it contains a file called "MacDraw II 1.1"

If any of these files are not present, disable any virus protection and reinstall MacDraw Pro. If all of these files are present, and are exactly where they should be:

1. Open the Preferences Folder inside the System Folder.
2. Throw away the file titled "XTND Translator List."
3. Try drop-launching the file again.

If the file still will not drop-launch successfully, call Claris Technical Support.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012