ClarisWorks: VT102 Application Emulation & Keyboards

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
There are problems with several of the Apple Keyboards (including the PowerBooks) in properly mapping VT102 application sequences to the keypad and cursors from the hardware. The software keypad (under the "Keys" menu) usually works ok. The problem is not with ClarisWorks itself but with the VT102 tool (1.0.1 and earlier), which is written by and supplied to us by Apple Computer.

The lists of keyboards affected include but are not necessarily limited to:
Apple Keyboard II
Apple Adjustable Keyboard

The keys possibly affected include:
The Arrow (Cursor) keys
The "+" keypad key
The "-" keypad key

The workarounds are as follows:
Use the "Keys" Menu.
Substitute an extended or original Apple Keyboard for the problem keyboard.
Wait (hopefully) for a fix from Apple in the form of a updated VT102 tool.
Find a 3rd party VT102 or VT320 tool that works (BBS's or 3rd party vendors).
Use some other communications program that does not use the Communications Tool Box.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012