VAX Rdb/VMS is the DEC relational database management system. However, only Rdb Run-time is bundled with the VAX/VMS operating system. For Interactive and development use, users still have to purchase separate licenses from DEC. Please check with a Digital Sales Office for more information on this licensing.
VAX Record Management Services (VMS RMS) is not an older relational file structure, but rather it is the data management subsystem of the VMS operating system. In combination with the VMS operating system, RMS allows efficient and flexible storage, retrieval, and modification of data on disks, magnetic tapes, and other devices. Currently, RMS supports three file organizations: Sequential, Relative, and Indexed. It supports both Sequential Access and Random Access for Record Access modes. Currently, DAL does not support accessing RMS files directly.
VAX DATATRIEVE, a query and report system, provides a uniform access method for data stored by RMS, VAX Rdb, and VAX DBMS (a multi-user, general-purpose CODASYL-compliant network database management system). DATATRIEVE is also a
Digital product, not a third-party product. Using DATATRIEVE, users can retrieve or modify data without considering the underlying storage method or physical location of the data. Because DATATRIEVE is only a query and report system, the storage of data is determined by the data management subsystem, like RMS, or a database management system, like VAX Rdb or VAX DBMS. If the data being used by DATATRIEVE is from VAX Rdb, DAL should be able to access it. Accessing RMS files directly is not possible with DAL as stated above. DAL will not be able to access data from VAX DBMS either.