Functionality of Demi-cercles And Rayon In ClarisWorks 2.0Fv1 Is Switched In The Rectangle (Arrondi d‘angle) Dialog Box.

Rayon functions as expected if you choose Demi-cercles and enter the points into the Rayon point field.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.

There is a problem with the Rectangle dialog box in the French version of ClarisWorks 2.0. The dialog, Arrondi d'angle, appears similar to the US version, with it's corresponding dialog for Rounded corners. However, the option, Demi-cercles, which should correspond to the Round ends in the US version, actually functions like the Radius. Rayon, functions as Rounded corners in the US version. The field for entering the points of the Radius positioned adjacent to Rayon, does indeed relate to Rayon (Radius), but will not have an effect unless Demi-cercles is selected.

The issue is apparent when you take the following steps...

1. Launch ClarisWorks 2.0Fv1 and Open a Draw (Vectoriel) document.

2. Using the Rectangle tool, create a rectangle.

3. Click twice on the object to bring up the Arrondi d'angle (Rectangle) dialog.

Figure 1

Claris Engineering is aware of the issue.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012