ClarisImpact: Placing a File into a Timeline

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Timelines have the ability to show many columns of information such as Planned Start, Duration, etc. through the Data Display menu choice. You might think if a column is not showing on screen then that column will not be used during import (import refers to using Place File... or Copy/Paste). Unfortunately, this is not true. That is why column order is so important when importing. The import order (same as display order) is listed below:

1. Task Name
2. Planned Start
3. Duration
4. Latest Finish
5. Actual Start
6. % Done
7. Actual Finish

ClarisImpact imports into all columns whether they are showing or not. As a general rule, your text file should contain 7 Tabs-worth of data (one for each column of data, whether or not the column is displayed in the table). For any columns for which you do not have actual data, it is still necessary to have a Tab of blank data in your text file. The only exception is when the blank columns occur at the end. For example, if you want to import into the first three columns but not the last four then you do not have to include tabs as space holders for the last four columns.

Also, remember to make sure the data you are importing is of the same data type as the Timeline columns. If you are importing into a Date column then make sure the data you are importing is of date format. Generally, the Timeline will just not import the data if it is of the wrong data type (thus leaving a blank column after import). The same thing could happen if you do not properly match up your Timeline columns with your import data.

Lastly, Place File... will not create new rows if the import data uses more rows than are currently in your Timeline. Always create enough rows when Placing data into a Timeline. Copy/Paste will create new rows if they are needed.

NOTE: The Data Display dialog is incorrect because it switches the above order for "% Done" and "Actual Finish".
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012