Macintosh and Distributed-Session Controllers (8/94)

IBM has an SDLC card that distributes 3270 series sessions over IBM's implementation of Token Ring.

1) Is there software for the Macintosh that lets the Macintosh get a
session from the SDLC card over Token Ring?

2) If yes, can the Macintosh be bridged to Ethernet or LocalTalk and get a
session through that topology?

There is no software available at this time that lets a Macintosh connect to a distributed-session controller, like a PC with an SDLC card. Essentially, the ability to accept one of the distributed sessions from an SDLC interface requires software that is not yet available on Macintosh. Our only solution is the expensive route of using a true 3174 or compatible controller, or SNA Gateway product and terminal emulation.

You can also talk to Tri-Data, DCA (formerly Avatar), and Wall Data. All of these companies can address the needs of distributed 3270 sessions (Wall Data can also use the Serial NB Card). The Macintosh SE, Macintosh SE/30 and Macintosh II systems can use distributed SDLC sessions through an Apple Network System products, like Avatar MacMainFrame, Tri Data Netway 2000, Wall Data SNA*ps, or Andrew NetAccess. Note however, that these products do not provide a true solution, because there are no Apple or third- party products that use NetBIOS distributed SDLC sessions over Token Ring as implied by the request and are limited to a set number of sessions available for distributing.

Given the use of the third-party products listed here, it is also possible to acquire sessions across different network topologies through the use of routers, as in the case of an Apple Internet Router supporting LocalTalk installed with an Ethernet card or Token Ring card.

Article Change History:
30 Aug 1994 - Updated with additional third-party offerings.
26 Jul 1993 - Company title changed from Avatar to DCA (Digital
Communication Associates).
23 May 1990 - Updated for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012